Snooki and Jionni LaValle
Snooki and Jionni LaValle Twitter/Snooki

Snooki is celebrating her pregnancy but now she has a reason to worry as well!

According to the National Enquirer, Snooki's boyfriend, Jionni, is secretly romancing his ex-girlfriend, Erica Wecksler.

"Poor little Snooki is caught up in a love triangle that she knows nothing about.He's engaged to Snooki but go­ing behind her back to contact Erica, calling and texting her. He's cheating on Snooki," the Daily Mail quoted a source telling the National Enquirer.

Snooki and Jionni have been together for more than a year but the Enquirer claims Jionni never ended his relationship with Erica.

Unfortunately, Snooki is all excited and happy with Jionni.

She tweeted on Monday: "I have the hottest fiancé ever. YUM."

The Enquirer's source said Jionni was always with Erica until Snooki became pregnant. The source added Erica was Jionni's girlfriend and not Snooki.

Meanwhile, The Insider said Erica complained Jionni had given her the cold shoulder after he found out Snooki was pregnant.

So is Snooki really being cheated on? Is Jionni back with Erica?