US urged to create 'right conditions' for talks with North Korea
A pro-North Korea paper says the US must "give up its reckless hostile policy".
The administration of US President Donald Trump should create the "right conditions" to hold talks with nuclear-armed North Korea, a pro-Pyongyang newspaper has said.
The view comes amid increasing possibility of the US and North Korea holding talks to ease the tensions in the Korean peninsula. During his visit to South Korea to take part in the Winter Olympics ceremony, North Korea's intelligence chief Kim Yong-chol had also hinted that the country is ready for talks with the US.
"If talks are possible only under the right conditions just as Trump said, the US should create those conditions," said the Japan-based newspaper Choson Sinbo, which often carries views in line with the Pyongyang regime.
The dispatch added: "The reality is completely different. Trump should explore ways to hold talks with North Korea if he wants to avoid armed conflicts with the nuclear-armed North."
"The Trump administration should keep in mind that unless it makes the decision to give up its reckless hostile policy, it won't be given a dialogue opportunity."
Following North Korea's talks offer, the US responded by saying that the conditions should be right to kick-start the talks process. Tensions in the Korean peninsula have relatively eased in recent weeks after the North Korean regime agreed to send its athletes to take part in the Olympics, which were being hosted by its southern neighbour. The sports diplomacy was widely expected to at least lead to further discussions between the Koreas.
With the diplomatic impasse and economic clampdown severely hitting the country, it is reported to be looking for a solution, which was evident from the makeup of the delegation sent by North Korea for the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics. Led by Kim Yong-chol, vice-chair of the ruling Korean Workers' Party's central committee, the eight-member team included North Korean officials who oversee the country's nuclear programme and also a key figure in charge of US-related matters.