Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Twitter Reacts to New Film Title

After revealing Ben Affleck as Batman, his Batmobile and the Dark Knight's new threads earlier this month, Warner Bros were probably feeling the tide of goodwill was turning in their favour.
When it was first announced at last year's Comic Con, Batman v Superman excited fans with its very premise and the way in which the announcement was made, with a dramatic reading from Frank Miller's seminal comic The Dark Knight Returns.
Then they cast Ben Affleck as Batman, which proved to be a very unpopular decision. Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman also raised a few eyebrows, as well as the very inclusion of Wonder Woman herself.
It has seemed as though the supposed Man of Steel sequel was in fact a thinly-veiled almost-but-not-quite Justice League film. The announcement that Justice League would follow soon after it - with Zack Snyder directing once again, didn't ease those concerns.
Then they revealed their Batman, showing off a look most fans agreed was fantastic. This has been followed up with the announcement of the film's title - which is now Batman V Superman: Dawn of a Justice. People have not been best pleased by the announcement, and took to Twitter to vent their frustration.
Here are some choice tweets...
Here is a good laugh--according to Variety, there's going to be a movie called Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. Ha ha ha. Oh this world.
— Zack Handlen (@zhandlen) May 21, 2014
"Dawn of Justice" sounds like a spoof title. WB desperately needs somebody on these movies whose comic-familiarity reaches pre-90s
— Bob Chipman (@the_moviebob) May 21, 2014
SUPERMAN/BATMAN EVENT FILM 2016 would have been a better and more honest title.
— Devin Faraci (@devincf) May 21, 2014
We are truly living in a golden age of bad movie titles.
— Devin Faraci (@devincf) May 21, 2014
We're all just sitting now, staring at each other in stunned silence. One man in a suit and bike helmet has tears running down his cheeks.
— Chris Hewitt (@ChrisHewitt) May 21, 2014
"Dawn of Justice" sounds less like a superhero movie & more like a TNT show about a lawyer named Dawn.
— Funny Or Die (@funnyordie) May 21, 2014
— Andy Rattinger (@Rattinger) May 21, 2014
@empiremagazine I don't get the "v" instead of "vs." Is it a court case?
— Ted Geoghegan (@tedgeoghegan) May 21, 2014
Just remember, it's always darkest before dawn (of justice).
— Borys Kit (@Borys_Kit) May 21, 2014
Well, at least they’ve given the ‘Batman v Superman’ porn parody an easy title. #dongofjustice
— Mike Sampson (@mjsamps) May 21, 2014 I want to meet the person who made this title, shake their hand, and punch them squarely in the mouth.
— BackRowCritics (@BackRowCritics) May 21, 2014
WORLD’S FINEST: BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN would have been the best title, but this Game Gear title is what we get.
— Ethan Anderton (@Ethan_Anderton) May 21, 2014
For just a few seconds, I wasn’t wearing my glasses and I thought the movie was called Batman V Superman: David Justice.
— Jensen Karp (@JensenClan88) May 21, 2014
Title of new Superman/Batman movie could be worse; could have the words "the", "phantom" and "menace" in it.
— Richard Dansky (@RDansky) May 21, 2014
— Ali Arikan (@aliarikan) May 21, 2014
And to think, we could've had DON OF JUSTICE:
— Josh Lincoln Dickey (@NotoriousJLD) May 21, 2014
"This is a new day," the military man says as they watch Batman and Superman fight side by side. "This is a Dawn of Justice." -cue credits-
— Justin (@GigawattConduit) May 21, 2014
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Gal Gadot and Ray Fisher. It is set for release on 29 April 2016.
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