As contemporary society continues to revolve around the development of new technology, conventional career paths are beginning to shift in turn. Now, pursuing entrepreneurship has become an increasingly popular choice for the modern professional, emboldened by the sheer interconnectivity of the world through the internet and the rise of social media – especially for the younger generations. A recent survey revealed that more than 53% of Gen Zers hope to own and operate their own business within 10 years, a number that grows to 65% when accounting for Gen Zers who have already entered the workforce.

Luke Alexander
Luke Alexander Luke Alexander

Still, in a world increasingly saturated with unsolicited advice and seemingly beneficial (but systematically insidious) training programs across all corners of Instagram and the web at large, aspiring entrepreneurs looking for some much-needed counsel on how to succeed in their new careers as a small business owner are often left with more questions than answers.

Enter Closer Cartel, Luke Alexander's unique educational platform teaching burgeoning business owners about the wonders of the high-ticket sales industry and how to turn it into a thriving income opportunity, built on the back of transparency, honesty, and trust that many rival modern educational platforms completely lack altogether.

Unbiased in its pursuit of providing value to the contemporary entrepreneur, Closer Cartel offers a variety of programs suitable for already-established salesmen to newbies in the high-ticket sales space. Now worth more than 7-figures, Closer Cartel has managed to build numerous clients toward earning $30,000 per month in income, all thanks to Alexander's knowledge and experience.

Alexander himself knows a thing or two about making it in the competitive business landscape; inspired to provide for his family after a difficult childhood upbringing, Alexander began his very first business – a real estate lead generation agency – at the age of 18. Though the project didn't take off as anticipated, the company's failure not only inspired Alexander to persevere forward in his ambition, but equipped him with the tools to succeed moving forward.

After immersing himself in the world of high-ticket sales and earning more than $100,000 in his very first year, Alexander left college to move to Miami and pursue his new fruitful career full-time. Alexander then made several operational tweaks to work his preferred type of clientele, boosting his business up to the level of prosperity where it remains to this day.

Now, a proven success story at just 22 years old, Alexander now shares the lessons learned along the way and his secrets to making it in business with the world through Closer Cartel, equipping his clients with the tools necessary to flourish. With big plans in store to continue expanding the company's presence and enter the B2B space, Alexander's Closer Cartel has become a beacon of light for aspiring business owners in an otherwise uncertain landscape, accomplishing exactly what Alexander attended: providing true value to entrepreneurs and putting their life trajectory back into their own hands for once and for all.