iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4 Untethered Jailbreak: Team UnthreadedJB Claims Access to Working Jailbreak [VIDEO]
YouTube video by UnthreadedJB depicts working untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4 on iPhone 5

Team UnthreadedJB has been in the spotlight ever since its recent release of untethered jailbreak for older iPhones, iPads and iPod touches running on iOS 5.1.1 or earlier. According to iPhone Hacks, the jailbreak team has now claimed access to a working untethered jailbreak for newer devices (iPhone 5, iPhone 4/4S etc.) running on iOS 6.1.3 or iOS 6.1.4.
News of an untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3 and later in the making gains precedence, as the advent of iOS 6.1.3 killed evasion jailbreak and rendered it useless. Though UnthreadedJB often showed up as a fake team with their broken English tweets, the team takes credit for unleashing a working untethered jailbreak for older iOS devices running on iOS 5.1.1 or earlier.
In his recent Reddit message, renowned iOS hacker and evad3rs member, planetbeing, had this to say about UnthreadedJB:
"a) Some real work is done, at least porting the patches and re-implementing the exploit in non-ROP [Return-oriented programming] form and b) these people secretly CAN spell. Quite an interesting community troll it looks like."
In related news, Saurik (aka Jay Freeman) had this to say on Reddit, regarding the known exploits used by UnthreadedJB in its recently released iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak for older devices:
"It's a reimplementation in non-ROP form of the rocky racoon pf thing. An excellent choice since it can be exploited trivially in a few lines of code pre-iOS 5 if you don't have to use ROP. Use of the amfid trick negates having to use ROP.
"Also apparently there is a HIDDEN readme file wherein proper spelling, grammar and punctuation is used that credits us. We're seriously being trolled hard.
"I wish they used and/or updated my iOS-patchfinder project so that it'd work on more than iPhone 4 CDMA though."
The internet is abuzz with news of various tech sites pondering if UnthreadedJB's claim is fake or genuine. However, the team has also published a YouTube video to strengthen its claims of having a working untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3 and iOS 6.1.4.
On the contrary, iDesignTimes has reportedly noted that the claim could be faked, as it is a known fact that reusing existing jailbreak exploits for older firmware is far easier than discovering new exploits for the latest patched firmware such as iOS 6.1.3 or iOS 6.1.4. In addition, several veteran hackers are said to be preserving existing exploits until the release of iOS 7 and hence it is unlikely that someone would burn all known exploits for a minor iOS 6.x release.
Here is what UnthreadedJB had to say in defence of their claims:

In response, a member with "@chronic" Twitter handle had this to say:

Check out the video tutorial depicting iOS 6.1.4 untethered jailbreak in action (on an iPhone 5) below:
Update: iOS 6.1.3 Untethered Jailbreak: Hacker Claims Access to Untether Exploit via Binary
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