'No longer care?': Ivanka Trump roasted after removing 'empowering women and girls' from Twitter bio
The change first appeared earlier this month, but was only noticed during the 2018 Women's March over the weekend.
US President Donald Trump's eldest daughter and White House adviser Ivanka has long proclaimed to be a "passionate" supporter of feminist causes and empowerment of women and girls. However, since moving to Washington to help in her father's administration, many have lambasted her for failing to be a voice of moderation in the White House and speak up for causes she claimed to stand for.
Now, Twitter users have noticed the 36-year-old has made a significant change to her Twitter profile and updated her bio so that it no longer mentions that she's a "passionate advocate for the education and empowerment of women and girls".
The change first appeared on 1 January 2018, but was only picked up later during the 2018 Women's March over the weekend. Her updated Twitter bio now reflects her current position in the Trump administration.
Ivanka's bio reads: "Wife, mother, sister, daughter. Advisor to POTUS on job creation + economic empowerment, workforce development & entrepreneurship. Personal Pg. Views are my own".
She also removed the word "entrepreneur" from the bio and link to ivankatrump.com and has changed her location from New York to Washington DC. Ivanka has yet to publicly respond to the change.
Over the past few months, Ivanka has been sharply criticised for not speaking out on issues she claimed to believe in despite her father's controversial policies and statements during his first year in office. Many have also accused her of being "complicit" in Trump's behaviour and agenda.
It is not clear what prompted Ivanka to make the edits to her Twitter profile. However, it did not go unnoticed on Twitter with many social users blasting the first daughter saying it "took her long enough" and "no one believed her anyway".
"I guess she finally got honest with herself," a Twitter user said.
"Wonder what precipitated the revamped bio?" someone questioned. "Soul searching? Seems unlikely to me."
One person wrote: "Just like all things 'Trump' it was written in disappearing ink."
I guess she finally got honest with herself.
— Are we winning yet? (@williams1977) January 22, 2018
Does it say this? pic.twitter.com/eeSiA3Pa9u
— suzy greenberg (@stacytklein) January 22, 2018
That was a fairy tale from the get go. Or maybe a pitch for a sitcom?
— cj1009 (@cj1009) January 22, 2018
A twinge of conscience perhaps? Or did she just get tired of the world's collective laughter directed towards her for itððð
— Notgoing Totellyou (@M5B1tch) January 22, 2018
It always was total BS.
— Jan Girando (@jgirando) January 23, 2018
@IvankaTrump Are you no longer a passionate advocate for the education and empowerment of women and girls? You changed your bio. Golly, what will we do without you? I know, we will march, protest, empower ourselves and get you and your dad out of the WH.
— Karen Guzowski (@klg921) January 22, 2018
Hi Princess. Why did you change your twitter bio? No longer care about Women and children? Did you ever?
— JRM (@Jrm21370023Jrm) January 23, 2018
"How intriguing that Ivanka chose to click 'edit profile' now, a year into her father's administration and umpteen assaults on women's rights later." https://t.co/dTMPVT2A5i
— Vogue Magazine (@voguemagazine) January 22, 2018
Rare moment of Trump family honesty?
— HedgeFundGirl (@Hedge_FundGirl) January 22, 2018
LOL, Ivankaâs feminism is as empty as her updated Twitter bio. https://t.co/JInRCx3rFW
— Sarah Lerner (@SarahLerner) January 22, 2018