Obama’s Speech to Congress Rescheduled After Boehner Objects
President Barack Obama has postponed his speech to Congress on jobs after House Speaker John Boehner objected to its conflict with a Republican congressional debate.
The White House said the clash with the Republican debate to be held in the Ronald Reagan Library in California next Wednesday evening was "coincidental," but Republicans were skeptical.
In a letter to congressional leaders on Wednesday, Obama said, "It is my intention to lay out a series of bipartisan proposals that the Congress can take immediately to rebuild the American economy. Washington needs to put aside politics and start making decisions based on what is best for our parties in order to grow the economy and create jobs."
The new date could have its own complications as it clashes with the first game of the NFL football season.
"Laughable," a senior Democratic aide said, "People die and state funerals are held with less fuss, so the logistics excuse by the speaker's office" of this "coincidence" being politically motivated "is laughable." .
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