'What the hell is that?' Ivanka Trump roasted over this 'nightmare-inducing' Thanksgiving centrepiece
Twitter proceeded to mock Ivanka over the "hideous" centrepiece with a slew of merciless jokes, comments and memes.

Ivanka Trump's lifestyle company shared some Thanksgiving decorating tips on Twitter and got mercilessly roasted in return. The first daughter's company tweeted out a link to a blog post on Thursday (16 November) on how to create a beautiful and memorable Thanksgiving centrepiece.
The post was written by independent interior designer Allison Domonoske who created the "timeless centrepiece" by filling half a giant clam shell with driftwood, twine, moss, pine cones, dried milkweed, white pumpkins and other "natural elements".
Ivanka Trump's company described the piece as a "beautiful, bold and unexpected Thanksgiving tablescape".
Although the decorative piece was created by Domonoske, Twitter proceeded to mock Ivanka over the "hideous" centrepiece with a slew of merciless jokes, comments and memes.
"What the f**k is this H.R Geiger hellbeast of a decoration," one Twitter tweeted. A second described it as a "festive garbage clam."
"The Trumps proving once again that being able to afford the finer things doesn't mean you have any f**king taste," one user tweeted.
Others criticised President Donald Trump's eldest daughter and White House adviser Ivanka for being "out of touch" with the average American saying many are struggling to afford a decent Thanksgiving meal let alone decorate their table in light of her father's recent policies.
"I'm so happy that we have a family totally out of touch with Americans in the White House," someone tweeted. "Nothing feels more like a slap in the face like raising taxes on the middle class, killing safety nets, and then suggesting to spend a ton on aesthetic bullsh*t for a meal we can't afford."
Have no idea how to decorate your Thanksgiving table? Problem solved: https://t.co/2ssrjO7yPl pic.twitter.com/f4T1Oqr5c7
— Ivanka Trump HQ (@IvankaTrumpHQ) November 16, 2017
What in the everlasting hell is that?
— KayDub (@katwalton) November 19, 2017
— Daniel Kibblesmith ð§ âï¸ð¦ (@kibblesmith) November 18, 2017
It's Thanksgiving kids, get the clam out of storage
— Antifa-la-la-la-la (@LizardRumsfeld) November 18, 2017
Because nothing says "holiday of gratitude" like Festive Driftwood Gourd Mollusk https://t.co/4sQDrYWcOW
— Daniel Summers (@WFKARS) November 18, 2017
...wow, even the pumpkins are white.
— Houston Harker (@htharker) November 18, 2017
As an alternative, consider the lovely simplicity of this stainless steel tray with matching flatware. Not only will it provide a timeless symmetry to your table, it will also be such a kind gesture to help prepare your family for holidays in a more institutionalized setting. pic.twitter.com/9FWpm2bU3e
— Lizzie65 (@LorraineP65) November 18, 2017
Martha Stewart you are not
— Suzanne Tignor (@SuzanneTignor) November 18, 2017
WHAT the hell is THAT?
— C. 'Bobbitz' Brooks (@bobbitz57) November 19, 2017
Sigourney Weaver would kill that out of pure instinct.
— ðºð¸mark driverðºð¸ (@MarkDriver) November 18, 2017
Did you raid a dumpster at a farmers market near the ocean?
— Alivemutherforya (@Leezhka) November 18, 2017
— Rainey (@raineyhdaze) November 19, 2017
Problem solved pic.twitter.com/tAfxkAXc4Z
— kyna leski (@kynaleski) November 19, 2017
This looks like something from an M Night Shyamalan movie that doesn't really do anything horrifying but definitely doesn't do anything good
— Nightmare Before Feministmas (@mel_jane7) November 19, 2017
Remember when they cut the shark open in JAWS and all that stuff spilled out?
— Brian Lynch (@BrianLynch) November 19, 2017
Yeesh... no thanks, Iâm just going to stick with these Beetlejuice sculptures. pic.twitter.com/yKX3A90CGp
— Greg McMuffin ð¥ (@greggmcmuffin) November 19, 2017
May I suggest a tablecloth motif: pic.twitter.com/t2GuxsQKBO
— Lil O (@Lilobri) November 18, 2017
I'm going with champagne Popsicles and an elephant tusk centerpiece.https://t.co/8rraz9SECr
— Lard Of Dorkness (@LardFDorkness) November 18, 2017
— Culen Jensen (@culenjensen) November 18, 2017
this bloodborne 2 boss looks incredible https://t.co/0CnztE03i4
— Malcolm Pierce (@RedbirdMenace) November 18, 2017
Chief, it looks like a bloated corpse wrapped â
— ** ððð½ðð°ð ð´ððð¾ð ð¸ð½ ð»ð¸ð½ð´ ð·ð¶ (@yesthatkarim) November 18, 2017
Never mind that. Ivanka says she needs it for the centerpiece. pic.twitter.com/QLGUViCN2B
Ivanka® Trump© Perfect Homemaker Tipâ¢:
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) November 18, 2017
"When I put a Thanksgiving centerpiece together, I take as much taste, time, and attention to detail as when Daddy puts a whole administration together! Voila, not one part works!" pic.twitter.com/LsyrVBuvuX
Many Americans will struggle to put a MEAL on the table that day. You are ridiculously out of touch!
— Angela Krebs (@AngelaKrebs444) November 19, 2017
1. Dear Ivanka: I really wish I had time to peruse the beaches for shells, stores for linens that match the colors of the shells etc, but I work and am barely going to make 50,000 this year. Not enough to pay for health ins, vacation or time off but enough to pay more taxes!
— SrtaBe (@SrtaBe1) November 18, 2017
Looky here, Ivanka!
— ð AnneTSocial ð (@AnneTSocial) November 19, 2017
Real working folks are having a hard enough time putting edible food on the table. We don't shop at the market for inedible gourds to create stupid ass displays with dead animal parts and bug infested pine cones.
You're so far out of touch with reality.
NGL, I spent the whole time thinking about Ivanka's nightmare-inducing primordial centerpiece from hell.
— Elle (@ElleSacc) November 19, 2017
Ivanka's clamshell bird nest centerpiece is going to be next year's hot Halloween costume https://t.co/olLUpepNGp
— Katy Stoll (@katystoll) November 18, 2017