A28-year-old barber from Trowbridge underwent the harrowing experience of a botched cut-rate plastic surgery. Zara Rodriguez went to Turkey to get multiple plastic surgeries to alter her body. She thought that she would only have to pay £5,015 to increase her bust from 34C to 34F. Instead of coming back home with a new body, Rodriguez returned home with leaking and drooping implants. Rodriguez recalls the nightmare she faced after the clinic botched her breast implant and uplift surgery.

Rodriguez put in a significant amount of research before choosing the plastic surgery holiday pack. In August 2019, Rodriguez took a flight to Istanbul for a number of cheap plastic surgeries. During her stay, she got a tummy tuck, breast implants and breast lift surgery.

Once the surgeries were over, Rodriguez was in a weak state due to a haematoma under the skin on her left breast. She was rushed into surgery again to remove the blood clot. Eventually, Rodriguez was able to return to her home in the United Kingdom. To her shock, Rodriguez noticed that her left implant had become infected.

Defective PIP breast implant
botched breast implant left woman flat chested. REUTERS

The clinic instructed her to keep massaging the breast. When her pain increased, Rodriguez posted pictures of the botched surgery on Instagram. Representatives from the clinic immediately contacted her informing her that she needed to fly back to Turkey for free corrective surgery but she had to take the pictures down.

The corrective surgery seemed to have given Rodriguez her desired body. Before the wounds healed, Rodriguez noticed that her left implant had started to leak. Her attempts at contacting the clinic failed, as they blocked her on social media as well as her number.

On November 22, Rodriguez was forced to get admitted to the Bath Royal United Hospital. The Daily Mail reported that after the surgery to remove the leaking implant, Rodriguez was left with "zero breast tissue". To get corrective surgery in the UK, Rodriguez will need to spend more than £5,000.

Instead of having her dream body, Rodriguez has been left with immense physical and mental scarring. Rodriguez wants to share the lesson she learned by opting for cheap surgeries abroad instead of paying more for better care in the UK.