International Business graduate, Alicia Day, was evicted from her Southall apartment with a rescued pet pig. Day decided to surrender her pet to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). Day now claims that RSPCA's policy of not revealing the location of the new home of surrendered pets is preventing her from seeing her "child" grow up. After failing to find her pig by herself, Day plans to sue RSPCA if they do not reveal her pet's location.

Day had paid over £400 to rescue her pig Jixy-Pixy from a slaughterhouse. Within four days of sharing her home with the 11-month-old pig, Day signed him over to the RSPCA. The owner of her two-bedroom apartment in Southall did not permit pets. Day claimed that the hotel she went to from there also did not allow pets.

Day got in touch with the RSPCA, and after a discussion regarding the possible solutions to Day's housing problem, she surrendered Jixy-Pixy. RSPCA gave her all the paperwork and leaflets which informed her what would happen to Jixy-Pixy.

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Vegan ready to sue RSPCA over location of surrendered pet pig. Getty Images

Once pet owners surrender their pets to the RSPCA, most are kept at the shelter or sent to sanctuaries before they get adopted. RSPCA's policy does not allow previous owners to visit their surrendered pets.

RSPCA pointed out the reason behind the policy. Pets, even after they have been re-homed, expect their previous owners to take them back with them. When the ex-owners leave without them, it causes tremendous emotional trauma to the animals. Hence, for the well-being of the surrendered pets, RSPCA makes pet owners sign paperwork with the clause which prevents them from finding out the location of the animals.

RSPCA informed Day that Jixy-Pixy was at a sanctuary in Kent. Day called all sanctuaries in the United Kingdom before launching a campaign on social media to help her find her "child." Day told the Daily Mail that Jixy-Pixy lost his "pig mother" first and now he has lost her. She claimed that Jixy-Pixy suffered from separation anxiety when she was not there, even though she had him for only four days.

Day claims that her family has enough money to back her lawsuit against the RSPCA.