HMV Staff Hijack Official Twitter Account To Announce 'Execution' Redundancies

Disgruntled HMV staff briefly took to Twitter to announce their own firing using the company's official account.
In a series of quickly deleted tweets, one staff member used the social media site to show their anguish and "tweet live from HR" as the company made 60 members of staff redundant.
The hijack of the account, which has over 60,000 followers, follows from the announcement that around 190 head office, distribution and administration jobs are to be axed from the retailer.
The first tweet from the unknown employee read: "There are over 60 of us being fired at once! Mass execution, of loyal employees who love the brand. #hmvXFactorFiring.
A second read: "Sorry we've been quiet for so long. Under contract, we've been unable to say a word, or - more importantly - tell the truth."
By this point, management appear to attempt to stop the rogue tweeter, who added: "Just overheard our Marketing Director (he's staying, folks) ask "How do I shut down Twitter?".
These tweets were hastily deleted, but a series of tweets soon followed in which they described their anger at being fired from a company they say they were trying to save.
Administrators were called in by the music retailers two weeks ago, putting around 4,500 jobs at risk.
The second set of tweets read: "Under usual circumstances, we'd never dare do such a thing as this. However, when the company you dearly love is being ruined... and those hard working individuals, who wanted to make HMV great again, have mostly been fired, there seemed no other choice.
"So really, what have we to lose? It's been a pleasure folks! Best wishes to you all!"
Deloitte, appointed to run HMV on 15 January, already confirmed the loss of around 190 jobs in the store's head office and distripution.
Nick Edwards, Joint Administrator, said: "Since our appointment as administrators over two weeks ago, we have been assessing the financial position of HMV. Following this review, a number of redundancies at the head office and distribution centres have been made.
"Although such decisions are always difficult, it is a necessary step in restructuring the business to enhance the prospects of securing its future as a going concern."
A screen grab of the tweets can be seen below:

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