The peers of France sustaining the King’s crown, Coronation Book of Charles V (Livre du sacre des rois de France) Paris, 1365, Cotton Tiberius B. viii, f. 69vBritish Library Board
The peers of France sustaining the King’s crown, Coronation Book of Charles V (Livre du sacre des rois de France) Paris, 1365, Cotton Tiberius B. viii, f. 69vBritish Library BoardRobert of Anjou enthroned, addressed by a personification of Italy, Carmina regia: Address of the City of Prato to Robert of Anjou, Tuscany, c. 1335, Royal 6 E. ix, f. 10vBritish Library BoardMap of the World, Livre des proprietez des choses, (Bartholomaeus Anglicus, De proprietatibus rerum, translated into French by Jean Corbechon), Bruges, 1482, Royal 15 E. iii, f. 67vBritish Library BoardThe Seat of Virtue, Filippo Alberici, Tabula cebetis, De mortis effectibus and Other Poems, Paris, 1507; Cambridge, after 1507, Arundel 317, f. 20vBritish Library BoardA wedding present for Margaret of Anjou and Henry VI, The Shrewsbury Book, Rouen, 1444–45British Library BoardA Donation of King Cnut and Queen Emma to New Minster The New Minster Liber Vitae, Winchester (New Minster), 1031, Stowe 944, f. 6British Library BoardItinerary to Jerusalem, Matthew Paris, Map to Jerusalem, St Albans, c. 1250British Library BoardVincent of Beauvais at work in his study Miroir historial (Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum historiale , translated into French by Jean de Vignay) Bruges, c. 1479–80 Royal 14 E. i, vol. 1, f. 3British Library Board
Queen Elizabeth II opened a new exhibition with a royal connection at the British Library on Friday.
The exhibition titled Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination features illuminated manuscripts collected by the Kings and Queens of England over 700 years from the 9<sup>th to 16<sup>th centuries.
For the first time, the riches of the Library's Royal collection will be presented together in one exhibition, providing an insight into the past and understanding of Royalty in the middle ages.
The manuscripts provide a broader understanding of royal identity, moral and religious beliefs, learning, religious practice and international politics.
Queen Elizabeth II officially opened the event with the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip.
The exhibition is open from Nov. 11 until March 13, 2012.