North Korea, Flamenco
Reuters, Getty Images

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has been revealed to be an unlikely fan of Spanish flamenco dancing.

Earlier in April Spanish troupe Noches de Espana became the first flamenco act to perform in North Korea, where they danced in a packed East Pyongyang Grand Theatre, Spain's El Mundo reported.

North Korea is known for its fierce resistance to western influence, with two provinces recently banning western-style clothing, including jeans. Those guilty of 'anti-socialist' behaviour are sent to its brutal labour camps.

However, Kim's passion for basketball and western movies is well=known. During their visit the troupe told the paper that they were shown an NBA basketball in the Pyongyang Museum of Gifts, displaying items gifted by visiting dignitaries. The ball was given to Kim by basketball player Dennis Rodman, who has visited the country several times and described Kim as his "best friend".

The theatre was packed to watch the group perform, and the crowd "applauded uproariously" with some people "lifting their hands to their hearts" and others "bowing their heads" after the act finished, reported Spanish daily El Mundo.

"We've been pioneers, we have made history," the troupe's leader, Tommy Lara told the newspaper.
The troupe performed alongside acts from Russia, China, Cuba and Mongolia, having travelled to the secretive state as part of a 10 day festivities to mark the birthday of Kim Il Sung, the current president's grandfather and the first president of North Korea.