Man Gets Police Warning After 999 Complaint Over Ugly Prostitute (VIDEO/AUDIO)
Client files complaint to trading standards after prostitute refuses sex

A customer left red-faced when a prostitute refused to have sex with him has complained to trading standards.

Harrow Borough Council's consumer protection team received a complaint that the customer, who had travelled to a brothel Harrow, had had a wasted trip.

I would like the gentleman involved to visit Harrow again, but perhaps this time he could enjoy some of our more wholesome pursuits
- Susan Hall, Harrow council leader

Trading standards officers said they could not investigate his complaint because it was not covered under Harrow's policy.

Instead he was advised to pursue more "wholesome pursuits".

"The gentleman seemed very aggrieved. He told us he believed he had been refused and was angry about the fact," a council source said.

Councillor Susan Hall, leader of Harrow Council, said: "Prostitution may be the oldest profession in the world, but a complaint of this sort is a new one on us; the trading standards manual doesn't really cover it.

"I would like the gentleman involved to visit Harrow again, but perhaps this time he could enjoy some of our more wholesome pursuits – like our wonderful open parks, leisure centres and historic churches."

The council said the brothel the disappointed punter attended had been closed down.