Winter weather concerns call for increased car checks
A severely cold start to the winter has caused concerns over how well cars across the UK will be able to cope with the increasingly harsh conditions.
In recent years major disruption has been seen across all transport sectors and, especially on main roads, many motorists have been caught off guard by unexpected bad weather and fluctuating temperatures.
While last year is on record as the 5<sup>th mildest winter, the considerably colder start seen leading on from 2014 has caused concern over the readiness of cars to tackle the dropping temperatures.
After already seeing problems arising with the sudden cold turn this year it is understandable that motorists are worried about what is yet to come and how prepared they are to deal with it.
In the first few weeks of 2015 the Met Office has already issued several weather warnings stating that "The public should be aware of the potential for disruption to travel". More warnings are expected to be seen in the days and weeks to come, each varying in severity.
The predicted decrease in temperatures can affect vehicles in different ways. It is common knowledge that the cold can damage cars but some of these problems may be hard to notice until it is too late.
Problems relating to cold damage can be a hazard to the driver, other motorists and pedestrians. In some circumstances, where a vehicle is ill-prepared, the weather can cause life-threatening accidents
Checking a vehicles condition and taking certain steps to protect against damage caused by decreasing temperatures is a much needed precautionary measure to avoid potential accidents and large repair bills.
Common causes of breakdowns and incidents during the winter include; the failure of batteries, fluid thickening and worn tread on tires. Many popular break-down services have issued warnings to motorists cautioning them about the expected winter weather.
Allstar fuel card services has designed an easy to follow winter motoring checklist that notes many of the recurring issues that most motorists face during the winter and ways to be prepared in case the worst happens.
With a few simple measures frozen doors, breakdowns and impaired vision of the road can be easily avoided, in most cases without the need of professional help and with everyday items that are commonly found in the home.
The winter checklist covers all the items that every motorist should have at hand in their car during the winter and, for many of the items, all year round. The emergency kit that Allstar have compiled has something for almost every eventuality and will ensure that every motorist isn't without the tool they need if things come to the worst.
If an accident does occur or if bad weather is expected then having the tools you need to keep safe and those around you safe could help to save a life.
With worse weather yet to come and an expected forecast of snow for a large part of the country, concerns over transportation are growing and it is wise to prepare for the weather now rather than later.

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