Zoos duke it out on Twitter with the #cuteanimaltweetoff and it is just what we all need
Zoos across US and the world bring you cute animal pictures to relieve you from the week's dreary news.

There is little doubt that the global news featuring politics, climate issues, refugee crisis and wars can leave one feeling exhausted and possibly dejected. Even the doomsday clock has been reset. But fret not, there is some relief.
Zoos across the US and the world have come together to give you a much deserved break from the week's dreary news. Numerous zoos took to twitter to duke it out in an adorably wonderful battle, using the hashtag #cuteanimaltweetoff.
IBTimes UK has compiled a list of the most "aww"-inspiring, cuddly-animals featuring tweets to get you just the break you deserve.
We welcomed a gray seal pup Jan. 21. The pup appears to be nursing, moving & bonding well w/ mom. https://t.co/l0Bzu7g8ek #Squee pic.twitter.com/nEhuJe6vBk
— National Zoo (@NationalZoo) January 25, 2017
According to report by Mashsable, it all began when the Smithsonian's National Zoo tweeted out a picture of the grey seal pup born over the weekend. Twitter user Sarah Hill from Virgina saw it and then tweeted the Virgina Aquarium to counter, which then started one of the most wonderful hashtags of 2017 yet.
.@VAAquarium Yawn. pic.twitter.com/szDSpmWnud
— National Zoo (@NationalZoo) January 25, 2017
@SyracuseZoo @buffalozoo @UticaZoo @SenecaParkZoo Sorry, we've been out eating our pumpkin instead of playing with it! #CuteAnimalTweetOff pic.twitter.com/5RIcM9zlB9
— Binghamton Zoo (@BinghamtonZoo) January 26, 2017
Thanks #cuteanimaltweetoff for making the whole world smile. pic.twitter.com/pZT5ndkIBE
— Woodland Park Zoo (@woodlandparkzoo) January 25, 2017
So cuuuuute, isnât it ? ;) @VAAquarium @BronxZoo @sandiegozoo @woodlandparkzoo @SeattleAquarium #cuteanimaltweetoff #baby #koala #frenchzoo pic.twitter.com/2P6eINpDKN
— ZooParc de Beauval (@zoobeauval) January 27, 2017
@SyracuseZoo @BinghamtonZoo @UticaZoo @SenecaParkZoo #tonguesout #cuteanimaltweetoff pic.twitter.com/tk7hzsHoJF
— buffalozoo (@buffalozoo) January 26, 2017
The hashtag was soon picked up with zoos and parks across the world joining in to tweet out heart-capturing pictures of animals.
There is NOTHING cuter than a levitating Koala! ð¨ð#cuteanimaltweetoff pic.twitter.com/51vPCq03dZ
— Featherdale (@Featherdale) January 27, 2017
Hawii, our adorable young white #rhino ð#cuteanimaltweetoff #cute #cometobeauval #frenchzoo pic.twitter.com/WXF5hNX6eK
— ZooParc de Beauval (@zoobeauval) January 27, 2017
Edward the #sloth is going to end this once and for all... Good night! #cuteanimaltweetoff @chesterzoo @CWOA @BlackpoolZoo @DurrellWildlife pic.twitter.com/J8C198DPi7
— ZSL London Zoo (@zsllondonzoo) January 26, 2017
The viral phenomenon has dominated Twitter and other social media platforms over the past couple of days, bringing numerous smiles to users, many of whom have taken to posting pictures of their pets using the same hashtag.
#cuteanimaltweetoff pic.twitter.com/Rjqx6GUcRP
— nursenannon (@NURSEshan85) January 27, 2017
#cuteanimaltweetoff pic.twitter.com/uwc9nCiGOr
— Kim Wiland (@KimWiland) January 27, 2017
The viral sensation, spearheaded by the Smithsonian's greyseal pup's birth has been a pleasant surprise to the organisation. Spokesperson Annalisa Meyer said on Thursday (26 January), ""We have never set off a cute animal challenge," Ms. Meyer said, the New York Times reported. "Will it be the last? Maybe not. We are open to more cute tweet-offs."
"It's been a really fun day, and I'm just glad there was something light to talk about today. There's been some heavy news lately and it's been fun to distract people with this fun stuff," Hill told PilotOnline.
We hope #cuteanimaltweetoff never #ends @MananaZoo pic.twitter.com/6B5TtVEKIv
— San Antonio Zoo (@SanAntonioZoo) January 27, 2017
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