Dog beer and 'pawsecco' go on sale in time for Christmas
Bottles of Bottom Sniffer beer probably cost more than your own drink of choice

Prosecco for cats and beer for dogs are tipped to become best-sellers this Christmas, as supermarkets and department stores prepare for record sales to pet lovers.
Gone are the days of the family dog getting a new bone wrapped in paper if they're lucky. Our pampered pooches now expect to join in with celebrating with the rest of the family - and having their own drinks, too.
Non-alcoholic and non-carbonated, the drinks are available for £2.49 to £3 a bottle - more than many alcoholic beers - and will be available from Tesco. The bubbly is, unsurprisingly, called Pawsecco, while the dog-friendly beer is called Bottom Sniffer.
Pawsecco is made from elderflower, nettle and ginseng, a plant often sold in health food shops. Bottom Sniffer - sold in a regular beer bottle, so try not to mix it up in the fridge - contains dandelion and burdock.
Multipacks of dog beer brewed in Belgium are also available, priced at £9.49 for four. As well as 'pawsecco', pet owners can buy still, non-alcoholic white wine and rose, too.
Up next on your pet's Christmas wish list is a £12.99 cologne for dogs, sold by Barbour and described as "a dog cologne to refresh and soothe your pet's skin and keep them smelling fresh".
Tesco says sales of pet gives have increased fourfold in the past two years, according to the Sunday Times, while John Lewis said sales in its 'pet fashion' department were up 81% for 2017.
John Lewis, where you can pick up the Barbour cologne, also sells Christmas jumpers for pets, mince pies and yule logs for dogs, advent calendars for cats and dogs. Naturally, there are Santa Claus and Elf outfits, too.
We expect all of these products to appear liberally on Instagram feeds over the festive period.