Wonder Woman
Reddit use "deepfakes" used a terrifying new AI tool to create a fake porn video of Gal Gadot Getty

As artificial intelligence development continues to make great strides, one programmer seems to have used the technology to create celebrity porn including a video that shows Wonder Woman lead star Gal Gadot. A Reddit user going by the name "deepfakes" has used machine-learning and easily accessible, open-source AI software to paste the faces of celebrities onto porn videos for the subreddit r/celebfakes, Motherboard first reported.

The programmer said he used software based on a number of open-source libraries including Keras and Google's TensorFlow and gathered the celebrity photos from Google image search, stock photos and YouTube videos. He then trained the algorithm based using porn videos and hundreds of images to create the incest-themed video.

The manipulated video purports to show Gal Gadot having sex with her stepbrother.

However, the video (which has since been removed) shows her face slightly tilted while her mouth and eyes don't seem to sync up. Still, the jarring footage could be believable to anyone not looking carefully enough.

Deepfakes, whose identity is still unknown, also said he is not a professional researcher, but a programmer with an interest in machine learning.

"You could say that my motivation is obsession, with porn or imaginary internet points or problem solving," Deepfakes told The Verge.

So far, he has already created other edited footage featuring a slew of stars including Scarlett Johansson, Emma Watson, Taylor Swift, Maisie Williams and Aubrey Plaza.

"I just found a clever way to do face-swap," Deepfakes told Motherboard. "With hundreds of face images, I can easily generate millions of distorted images to train the network."After that if I feed the network someone else's face, the network will think it's just another distorted image and try to make it look like the training face."

AI researcher Alex Champandard also told Motherboard that any regular consumer-grade graphics card could be used to create these effects within hours. A CPU would also work, he noted, but would take a few days.

Motherboard noted that Deepfakes' algorithm is similar to one developed by Nvidia researchers that uses deep learning to transform videos of winter scenes into summer and day into night.

In July, researchers at the University of Washington developed a new machine learning tool that turned audio clips into realistic, lip-synced videos of former US president Barack Obama.

The new tool also raises serious concerns given the slew of fake news, hoaxes and misinformation, bullying and harassment online that tech giants are still struggling to tackle. The seemingly realistic results of such technology could also have terrifying implications for both celebrities and everyday people in terms of creating conspiracy videos, fake sex tapes and even revenge porn.

"One important thing that always needs to happen is consent," Porn performer Grace Evangeline told Motherboard. "Consent in private life as well as consent on film. Creating fake sex scenes of celebrities takes away their consent. It's wrong."

Deepfakes said every technology can be maliciously exploited by bad motivations and said it is "impossible to stop that."

"The main difference is how easy [it is] to do that by everyone," he said. "I don't think it's a bad thing for more average people [to] engage in machine learning research."