Memorial Day 2015
Memorial Day will be celebrated across the US on 25 May Reuters

Americans observe Memorial Day to remember the men and women who died while serving the United States armed forces.

The holiday is observed on the last Monday of May and this year it will be celebrated on 25 May.

IBTimes UK has compiled top quotes to remember the brave soldiers who have sacrificed their lives to safeguard the nation.

  • "My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - John F Kennedy
  • "Peace is more important than all justice; and peace was not made for the sake of justice, but justice for the sake of peace." - Martin Luther
  • "Better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life." - Bob Marley
  • "The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree." - Thomas Campbell
  • "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." - Nathan Hale
  • "Our nation owes a debt to its fallen heroes that we can never fully repay, but we can honor their sacrifice." - President Barack Obama
  • "On thy grave the rain shall fall from the eyes of a mighty nation!" - Thomas William Parsons
  • "To deprive a man of his natural liberty and to deny to him the ordinary amenities of life is worse then starving the body; it is starvation of the soul, the dweller in the body." - Mahatma Gandhi
  • "Although no sculptured marble should rise to their memory, nor engraved stone bear record of their deeds, yet will their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honored." - Daniel Webster
  • "We come, not to mourn our dead soldiers, but to praise them." - Francis A Walker