Olga Kurylenko told the public about her own battle with COVID-19 because she wanted to let people know what the disease feels like from a personal perspective.

The former Bond Girl explained why she posted about her illness despite barely functioning. She said she wanted to help spread awareness about the disease in any way she could despite her condition.

"Some people ask why I post about my illness. It's a very good question and I will give you a thorough answer. When I got my first symptoms and then it rapidly escalated and I got worse, the last thing I was thinking about was posting anything or telling anyone about my illness," Kurylenko shared on Instagram.

She admitted that she mostly slept during the first several days when she "wasn't really functioning." But then some of her friends encouraged her to go public with her battle with COVID-19. She did not entertain the idea at first, and thought long and hard about it. Then she saw how people were panicking and decided to share her story to tell them the truth from someone who was actually ill.

"Then after weighing pros and cons I decided to post because I realised that the whole world was scared of this...My friends were asking me all sorts of questions and asked for advice. I thought: if I was ill or afraid of getting ill I would want to hear a story of someone who really had it. That's when I finally decided to share my story," Kurylenko continued and closed her post adding "I'm just trying to help in my very small way."

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Some people ask why I post about my illness. It’s a very good question and I will give you a thorough answer.  When I got my first symptoms and then it rapidly escalated and I got worse, the last thing I was thinking about was posting anything or telling anyone about my illness. Quite frankly I mostly slept so I wasn’t really functioning for several days. By the time I got my test results (that took a couple of days) I had been ill for a while.  Then some friends told me I should post. I thought about it but I wasn’t sure. Then after weighing pros and cons I decided to post because I realised that the whole world was scared of this. People were panicking. My friends were asking me all sorts of questions and asked for advice. I thought: if I was ill or afraid of getting ill I would want to hear a story of someone who really had it. That’s when I finally decided to share my story. I’m just trying to help in my very small way. Некоторые спрашивают зачем я публикую о своей болезни. Это очень хороший вопрос, и я вам дам подробный ответ. Когда у меня появились первые симптомы и очень скоро началось резкое ухудшение, самое последнее о чем я думала - это сидеть в соц сети или сообщать кому-либо об этом. В первые дни я лежала пластом с высокой температурой и в основном спала, поэтому я не могла вообще нормально функционировать. Я даже по телефону не могла разговаривать. Ждать результатов теста пришлось несколько дней, и когда мне позвонил врач и обьявил результат (коронавирус подтвердился), я уже была больна несколько дней. Некоторые друзья сразу сказали, что я должна объявить об этом в соц сети. Но я этого сразу не сделала, потому что не была уверена стоит ли это делать. Я несколько дней сомневалась. В итоге после взвешивания все за и против, я все таки решила, что нужно об этом писать, чтобы как то помочь людям знать, что они не одни. И я решила поделиться своей историей. Я просто пытаюсь помочь людям, чтобы дать им хоть какую-то надежду! #coronavirus #коронавирус

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Thankfully, the "Johnny English Strikes Again" actress is back to normal. In a previous post, she told everyone that she has "completely recovered." She narrowed down what happened in the weeks she was sick. The first week she had fever and a strong headache, the second week the fever subsided but came a light cough and fatigue. By the end of the second week she felt fine albeit she still has a bit of cough in the mornings only.

"I'm fine! And now I'm just enjoying this time to reflect on many things and spend my time with my son," Kurylenko shared along with a Happy Mother's Day greeting.

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Happy Mother’s Day! #mothersday P.S. I have completely recovered 🙏 To recapitulate: For one week I felt pretty bad and was mostly in bed, sleeping, with high fever and strong headache. The second week, the fever was gone but some light cough appeared and I felt very tired. By the end of the second week I felt totally fine. Cough is almost gone although I still cough in the mornings but then it completely goes away for the day! I’m fine! And now I’m just enjoying this time to reflect on many things and spend my time with my son. 🙏 Я думаю я полностью выздоровела. Коротко о течении болезни: В первую неделю мне было очень плохо и я почти все время лежала с высокой температурой и много спала. Я спала 12 часов за ночь и потом ещё часа 3-4 днём!!! Подняться было тяжело. Усталость сумасшедшая. Головная боль дикая. Во вторую неделю температура полностью ушла и появился легкий кашель. Усталость осталась. Теперь практически никаких симптомов нет. Только немного кашель есть по утрам, но потом он полностью уходит на весь день. Теперь я наслаждаюсь отдыхом и провожу время с сыном. Держитесь!!! 💪 #coronavirus #коронавирус

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Kurylenko shared her personal battle with COVID-19 after Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson told the public that they too, tested positive for the disease.

Olga Kurylenko
Olga Kurylenko played Camille Montes in the 2008 Bond film "Quantum of Solace." Reuters