Swipebuster busts Tinder users
Swipebuster helps you find out who is using Tinder Reuters

Want to know if your partner, spouse or anyone else for that matter is on Tinder? For a few dollars, you can discover if the people you know are using the location-based dating app.

A new website, Swipebuster, lets people find out if anyone they know is using Tinder. All you need to do is shell out $4.99 (£3.5) and fill in information about the person you are searching for, entering details such as his/her first name, age, gender and the location they used Tinder last time. That's it, and Swipebuster will go to work.

The website retrieves data from Tinder's application programme interface (API), which contains information about its users. "There is too much data about people that people themselves don't know is available. Not only are people oversharing and putting out a lot of information about themselves, but companies are also not doing enough to let people know they're doing it," the creator of Swipebuster told Vanityfair.

Swipebuster busts Tinder users
Swipebuster helps you find out who is using Tinder Swipebuster

He said the website was just an attempt to use Tinder to make people aware that their personal data can be easily accessed without any hack. Swipebuster, originally called Tinder Buster, had its name and URL changed recently.

"A lot of people are going to be like 'WHAT!,' and hopefully a lot of people are going to be more careful, and Tinder is going to say we have to XYZ to protect our A.P.I. I think the positive outcome [is that] a company is going to be protective of its users. We're expecting it to be quite impactful, and a lot more people will realize what kind of data they have online," he added.

Swipebuster's creator confirmed they did not breach any data or access anything illegally. But if Tinder decides to close its public API, then Swipebuster will not exist at all.

Tinder in its response said, "searchable information on the website is public information that Tinder users have on their profiles. If you want to see who's on Tinder we recommend saving your money and downloading the app for free."