A woman who was photographed showing her middle finger to the US President as his motorcade passed by, has reportedly been fired from her job after the image went viral.

The photo was taken on 28 October in Virginia, close to a Trump golf resort, capturing the moment the woman flipped the bird at the President as she cycled past.

Juli Briskman, who was identified as the cyclist in the image, says she has been fired by employers Akima LLC after she shared the image on social media, according to BBC News.

A day after the photo made headlines Ms Briskman who had reportedly been at the government contractor firm for six months working in communications. said she was called into a meeting with her bosses who told they classified the image as "lewd" or "obscene".

Even though the photo was not taken or shared during working hours, did not make any mention of her employees and was posted on her personal Twitter and Facebook accounts, her employers said they deemed that it violated their social media policies.

The 50-year-old mother-of two said she did not regret making the gesture, even though she lost her job.

"In some ways, I'm doing better than ever," she told The Huffington Post. "I'm angry about where our country is right now. I am appalled.

"This was an opportunity for me to say something."

Woman flips the bird at President Trump
Juli Briskman, 50, said she does not regret making the gesture at the President, even though it cost her her job Twitter