X-Men star keen on doing a solo Iceman movie; will the studio develop spinoff films on mutant heroes?

Not much is known about 20th Century Fox's plans for their hugely successful X-Men franchise post the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse (2017). While actors James McAvoy (Professor X) and Michael Fassbender (Magneto) have reportedly signed on for more X-Men films, it remains to be seen what direction the studio intends to take post the 2017 team-up flick.
One possible direction could be taking the "anthology" route...something that Disney is doing with the Star Wars franchise. The studio could focus on smaller standalone films based on the popular supporting X-Men characters. We know that actor Shawn Ashmore - who has played Iceman in the earlier films - is definitely keen on doing a solo film.
"An Iceman solo movie? If Fox would make it then I would do it!" Ashmore told IGN while promoting his new TV series Quantum Break.
"I love that character, I love the Marvel universe, especially the last couple of films. I was so excited about Days of Future Past when I heard about that - it was so exciting for me, so if that was ever an opportunity? Absolutely," the actor added.
Ashmore, was however quick to admit that an Iceman solo flick is not likely to be at the top of the studio's current plans. "The other thing about the X-Men is I think is that they work best as a team" he stated, "I think that the characters really come to life when you put them in the context of the school with Xavier, with the team – that's what I always loved about the X-Men. So I'm not sure if that would ever happen. It would be exciting if it did, but there is something to be said about the team," he said.
Ashmore also expressed that he would be keen on playing Ghost Rider in case the studio plans a reboot.
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