Haloween dogs
The dogs (not pictured) got stuck into a Christmas bottle of Advocaat. Mark Ralston/ AFP

Two dogs from Gateshead were rushed to the vet after getting drunk on a bottle of Advocaat – both survived.

Owner Fiona Robson came home in the afternoon to find pets Oscar and Martha inebriated next to a smashed bottle of 17% booze. She suspects the bottle was knocked off a bench in the utility room. A third dog, Brecon, did not join his friends in the ensuing knees-up.

Robson said: "It is funny now, but at the time I was panicking! Oscar was standing in the corner of the utility room looking sheepish and drowsy. Martha was literally staggering and swaying and fell over when I tried to grab her collar. I was panic-stricken as we are so careful with our pets and could never have imagined anything like this happening."

The scare has prompted Miller to think more carefully about where she leaves her alcohol, particularly with Christmas approaching. She said: "Sometimes as owners we think we have everything secured, but it can just take something silly like this to happen."

"Our utility room is normally a safe place to keep our dogs while we're out. It could have been really serious, but thankfully we're all fine. I won't be keeping bottles on the top of unit anymore, and I would advise pet owners to keep everything locked away."

Robson rushed the pair to the vest where they induced to vomit and fed charcoal biscuits. Vet Emma Hindson, who treated Oscar and Martha, has praised Robson's quick-thinking as an example for other owners to follow. She said: "This was an unfortunate accident and their owner did the right thing by bringing them in immediately for treatment. Her responsible action meant everything turned out fine and they could go home."

"A lot of dogs seem to like the taste so if they drink alcohol, bring them in straight away rather than wait for the side effects. Drinking too much can cause vomiting, they can become agitated or excitable, depressed, drowsy and disorientated and in extreme cases can go into a coma," reported the Newcastle Chronicle.