Father caught with suitcase full of stun guns and butterfly knives says they were 'souvenirs'
Ryan Sullivan also had knuckle dusters, CS gas canisters and pepper spray in his luggage.

A young father has been jailed for four years after attempting to smuggle 38 weapons into the UK which he claimed were "souvenirs".
Father-of-two Ryan Sullivan, was returning from a break with his girlfriend and children from Bulgaria when he was stopped by Border Force officers at Cardiff Airport on 2 July last year.
Officers found stun guns disguised as mobile phones, knuckle dusters, CS gas canisters, pepper spray and butterfly knives in the suitcase of the 24-year-old, Cardiff crown court heard.
Self-employed Sullivan told security staff the weapons were 'souvenirs' from his two-week trip. But he admitted possessing prohibited weapons.
However, Judge Michael Fitton labelled Sullivan's excuse "nonsense", reported Wales Online.
Earlier, Prosecutor Jeffrey Jones told the jury: "There were two stun guns disguised as mobile phones, capable of discharging between 5,000 and 8,000 volts. There were five more disguised as torches.
"There were 13 CS gas canisters and pepper sprays capable of causing nausea, vomiting, and muscular dysfunction."
Jones added that Sullivan's suitcase also contained nine knuckle dusters, six metal batons, a set of nunchucks [a martial arts weapon popularised by Kung Fu icon Bruce Lee], and a butterfly knife.
Jones concluded: "The Crown point to the volume as being the utmost aggravating feature."
Defending, Jonathan Lewis said his client was of otherwise good character and had been "ignorant of just how serious a position he was putting himself in" by buying items prohibited in the UK but legal in Bulgaria.
However, Judge Fitton said Sullivan had brought the weapons into Britain to supply them to other people, and after jailing him ordered the items be destroyed.