Google Flights updates to offer you best train options in Europe Reuters

Google has updated its Google Flights with the ability to offer the best train options in Europe. The update has already started rolling out to mobile devices as well as desktops.

With the new update, Google says Google Flights will start offering train options for 56 destinations and about 400 routes across Germany and Northern Europe. The options were already available for routes in Italy and Spain and the company has this time partnered with Deutsche Bahn in Germany to expand its presence to more European regions.

"The Google Flights partnership specifically helps us reach international travellers. For many German and European routes, trains are an attractive alternative to flights," said Mathias Hüske, Head of eCommerce at DB Vertrieb GmbH - Deutsche Bahn. "Deutsche Bahn´s integration into Google Flights is another step in our partnership with Google already providing train routes and itineraries for Google Maps."

Google Flights
Google Flights with train options on European routes Google

Google Flights will additionally start offering some of the best train options for popular routes including domestic ones such as Frankfurt-Munich and Hamburg-Stuttgart, as well as international routes like Zurich-Frankfurt and Frankfurt-Amsterdam. Likewise, the service will make it easier to let you sift through long lists of similar trains by grouping trains. This comes in the same way as the service that already offers similar flight options.

"Whether you're shopping on a mobile device or desktop, Google Flights makes it easy to scan available trains and flights — to quickly determine which is best for you," Google Flights software engineer Daria Yartseva wrote in a blog post.

Although the new feature to show train options against flights is not helpful for users in most of the other global regions, it lets you choose the best high-speed trains if you are particularly travelling in Europe. Moreover, this would result in some reduction in your travel expenses by letting you easily opt for trains, instead of flights.