Man with dollar sign tattooed over his eye climbed in window and assaulted mother of his child, say police
Michael Mann allegedly climbed through an unlocked window and slapped and choked her.

Police in Ohio are searching for a man with a heavily-tattooed face who allegedly climbed through a woman's window and assaulted her.
Michael Mann, who has several distinctive face and neck tattoos, is wanted for aggravated burglary and domestic violence after an alleged break-in in South Fairmount, Cincinnati.
The 34-year-old has a large dollar sign tattooed over his left eye, stars, words, numbers and lipstick kiss marks tattooed on his face making him extremely identifiable.
His ear is also entirely covered with ink and his neck has roses tattooed underneath his chin.
According to court documents Mann, of Ebenezer Road in Price Hill, Cincinnati, climbed through a woman's unlocked window and slapped and choked her, reported Fox News.
Described as 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighing roughly 185 pounds Mann is said to have a history of domestic violence, aggravated robberies and drug charges, according to police.
According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution the latest incident involved Mann and a woman who he has a child with.
The assault is said to have happened on Tuesday (9 January) and his mugshot was shared on the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Crime Stoppers Facebook site.
The post has already been shared over 2000 times, and has seen almost 800 people comment, many of them saying that Mann should not be too hard to track down.
A Facebook user wrote: "I take it he is not that bright, if your going to take up a life of crime it's best to be inconspicuous" while another mused "Kinda hard to keep a low profile looking like that".
One user added: "It looks like someone got bored in history class and doodled on his face" while others said that having a tattooed face does not necessarily make you a bad person.
Anyone with information about Mann's whereabouts is asked to call Crime Stoppers in Ohio on 513-352-3040.