Man turned up at his ex's house at 2am and 'bit her new boyfriend in the eye'
Ryan Bennett has been placed under house arrest.

A man in Florida has been arrested after the sheriff's office says he repeatedly turned up at his ex-girlfriend's house, culminating in a struggle with her new boyfriend that saw him bite the other man's left eye.
Hernando County Sheriff's Office said that deputies were dispatched around 2am on Wednesday 27 December to reports of a man being attacked with the metal wand of a pressure washer.
Deputies said 41-year-old Ryan Bennett had arrived at the home of his ex-girlfriend, Robyn Dematteo, and she had come out to try and get him to leave, something she said she had had to do a number of times that day.
Bennett allegedly became "more and more irrational".
When Dematteo's new boyfriend, Clifford Garrow, went outside to see what was happening, Bennett allegedly grabbed the metal wand and began swinging at Garrow. The new boyfriend told authorities that it was so dark he could not see well and was in fear for his life.
After knocking the metal wand aside, Garrow allegedly put Bennett into a "bear-hug" to attempt to subdue him but that was when Bennett was said to bite Garrow on his left eye - leading Garrow to let go, fearful he would be bitten again.
Bennett attempted to flee when he understood law enforcement was arriving but was traced by a police dog to an adjacent property, the sheriff's office said. After refusing to comply with authorities, Bennett was engaged by the K-9 and bitten on his left arm.
Authorities said Bennett was treated for the dog bite and released from hospital, he was placed under house arrest. Bennett was charged with aggravated assault, battery and possession of marijuana - which deputies said was "located where Bennett was hiding". He is being held on a $4,000 bond.