The Duke of York Prince Andrew faces losing his round-the-clock security following a Scotland Yard review over its necessity, given that he is no longer performing his royal duties.

According to The Evening Standard, The Home Office is asking for a "major downgrade" to the Duke's security detail after he withdrew from public duties. A Scotland Yard review has reportedly already been conducted and that "conclusions have been reached and recommendations made."

The recommendation was given in consideration of the Duke of York's current position in the royal household. He is no longer doing his public duties after he was forced to step down over his association with the deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. A senior source pointed out that "round-the-clock protection is very expensive" so it is only understandable that a review is conducted over Prince Andrew's security needs.

"A review was ordered into the Met's protection of HRH The Duke of York once it was announced he was stepping down from royal duties in November. Those in charge of royal security cannot write a blank cheque for anyone who does not have a public role for the foreseeable future," the senior source said, adding "The Met is obliged to review the position to ensure it is justified."

However, the final say lies with Home Secretary Priti Patel and ultimately with U.K Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Prince Andrew could face losing his bodyguards unless he pays them with his own money. In the meantime, he still has protection while discussions with Met Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick and Ms. Patel continue.

The Duke of York found himself at the receiving end of a sexual assault accusation from a woman who claimed he raped her when she was only seventeen. The woman was formerly employed by Epstein, allegedly as one of his sex slaves.

Prince Andrew has since denied any sexual encounters with the complainant. But his association with the sex offender had its repercussions and he ultimately announced that he is stepping back from his public duties until "the foreseeable future."

A Buckingham Palace representative declined to comment on details regarding the Duke of York's security or security arrangements. The news comes after Amanda Thirsk resigned from her 15-year employment as Prince Andrew's private secretary. But she will continue to serve as CEO of his Pitch@Palace initiative.

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Prince Andrew, the eighth in line to the throne, has come in for heavy criticism over his links to Epstein who died in custody in the US in August. Photo: AFP / Lillian SUWANRUMPHA