Special relationship between US and UK appears to extend to moving house, as 21 percent of all UK property searches at Primelocation come from StatesReuters
Special relationship between US and UK appears to extend to moving house, as 21 percent of all UK property searches at Primelocation come from StatesReutersAustralia accounts for nine percent of all Primelocation UK property searches, possibly due to shared language and heritageReutersCanada also has many similarities to UK, including large Scottish population, and is responsible for seven percent of UK property searches on siteReutersEngland's closest European neighbour, France remains popular destination for British to move to when they retire and, in turn, accounts for more than six percent of site's UK property searchesReutersProximity, once again, makes it no surpise that Ireland ranks high on list, generating five percent of property inquiriesReutersSpaniards took 3.1% of the vote.ReutersFootball rivalries notwithstanding, up to three percent of site's property searches for UK come from Germany. Could be attributable to shared affinity for beer.ReutersLa dolce vita may have lost some of its lustre, as Italy represents approximately three percent of all UK property searchesReutersRegular influx of stag parties and drug tourists has, apparently, not put Dutch off UK, giving rise to three percent of all UK property searches on siteReutersSouth Africa finishes top 10, representing two percent of UK property searches on siteReuters
The top 10 countries people would like to leave to move to the UK have been listed in a survey.
Property site Primelocation has analysed the traffic on its site in order to calculate which countries were responsible for the most UK-based property searches.
The survey found that 14 percent of all searches on the site came from overseas. International Business Times UK lists the top 10.