amir khan
Iain Lee and Amir Khan in happier times on I'm A Celebrity ITV

ITV bosses were reportedly in talks to remove Dennis Wise from I'm A Celebrity yesterday (7 December). However, after the public voted him off in the evening, Amir Khan's place on the show could now be in danger instead.

Former footballer Wise, 50, had been widely criticised for his "bullying" treatment of radio host and fellow campmate Iain Lee earlier this week, claiming he shouldn't do a Bushtucker Trial because he had said "Get Me Out Of Here" twice.

Now, viewers are enraged with British boxer Khan – who turns 31 today – for poking fun at Lee on last night's episode.

Lee, 42, couldn't hide his upset as the sportsman told him he had "f***ed things up when he first came into camp with Scottish politician Kezia Dugdale.

Though Khan's comments were made in jest, Lee said he felt "uncomfortable".

After Lee said that he had felt "privileged" to have spent two weeks in Stanley Johnson's company, Khan gratuitously remarked: "On a serious note, when you came in you did f*** a lot of things up."

Taken aback, Lee responded: "Thanks Amir".

Appearing to forget the nature of the I'm A Celeb tasks, Khan added: "Remember you came in and you bossed us all around, you split the camp up?

iain lee
Iain Lee has been the victim of bullying on I'm A Celeb, according to viewers ITV

"Your attitude as well, you killed us, do this, do that".

Seeing that he had distressed Lee, Khan went up to him and rubbed his arm before apologising.

Wise – who has also been accused of bullying the former comedian – told the radio DJ: "He's only joking."

Lee replied: "Yeah, I know, I'm not finding it very funny."

Further worsening the situation, Khan said: "I think you could win it, you know when a guy goes from bad to good."

Lee then went into the Bush Telegraph to discuss the bizarre conversation, and couldn't hide his emotions.

He said: "Amir was being an a**hole. Just prodding me and making all these jokes. It wasn't funny, it made me feel uncomfortable."

Dennis Wise
Dennis Wise has also been accused of bullying Iain Lee ITV

Fans of the show were massively disappointed with Khan's remarks, with many taking to Twitter to express their anger.

One person tweeted: "Amir Khan has been such a bully on #ImACeleb for someone who is such a role model, he is not setting a good example".

The public appear just as angry with Khan as they did with Wise, who allegedly sparked show bosses to question his place on the show.

A show insider told the Mirror: "Producers have been holed up in meetings debating whether to reprimand Dennis or remove him altogether.

"They have a duty of care to all contestants they take very seriously."

I'm A Celebrity continues tonight at 9pm on ITV.