Beyond Algorithms: The Essential Role of Human Expertise in Today's AI-Driven Businesses
The latest buzzword in the tech industry is "artificial intelligence", and it's easy to see why.

People are registering in droves to try out tools such as ChatGPT, Google Bard and Zendesk AI. These solutions are definitely going to shape the next technological era.
More and more businesses are implementing AI-based tools in the workplace. They're using them to generate promotional images, write sales briefs and answer simple customer inquiries. With artificial intelligence, people can work better and complete more tasks. Even software programmers use AI to write code for them.
Do Employees Need to Fear AI?
AI is crucial for automation and reducing time spent on tasks. While AI helps companies run their processes more efficiently, there's an ongoing debate on job losses.
Will humans see themselves replaced by machines? Are millions of people going to go hungry from losing their income sources? Some even fear that AI will cause the destruction of the human race. Raise your hands if you've ever seen Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Let's forget Hollywood for now. The fear of AI is undoubtedly a rational one. When it comes to our jobs, many news outlets have reported that those at the highest risk of losing their careers include secretaries and clerks, telemarketers, journalists and copywriters. But how true is this? Can AI really replace humans in the workplace? This article introduces a new view of the landscape. Read on to understand why machines cannot completely override the need for human input.
Developers Cannot Program Emotional Intelligence Into AI Tools
Why are humans special? One thing that makes us stand out is that we're capable of forming emotional relationships with others. We feel and respond to the emotions of people around us. This crucial element makes humans relevant in almost every client-facing situation.
It's important to note that AI has come a long way. Programmers have put in a lot of effort to help AI mimic human intelligence. However, the emotional quotient isn't as easy to reproduce. Humans are social creatures. We crave emotional connections. We feel pain, suffering, happiness and excitement. AI simply doesn't do that.
Therefore, if you are a smart business owner or company executive, you should prioritise giving your customers the best services. As machines cannot communicate with emotional intelligence the way humans do, you shouldn't replace them if you want your business to grow.
Artificial Intelligence Is Not Capable of Finding Workarounds
The functionality of AI is only possible thanks to inputted data. Algorithms work such that they perform steps based on what they encounter. Any input outside the realm of possible figures will make a machine become useless. Unlike humans, the program will simply ignore it; AI won't take the time to try to understand something confusing.
Take the example of speech recognition tools in comparison to human-based transcription services. A professional transcriber at GoTranscript will go the extra mile to listen to a recording over and over again to produce an accurate transcript. Automated transcription tools will just come up with a similar-sounding word and ignore context.
One central myth around AI is that it is capable of adapting to any situation. If anything, developers can only program temporary workarounds. As such, we need not fear that artificial intelligence will eliminate the need for professional workers. Humans are able to reason, analyse, create, improvise and gather information in ways that computers cannot.
AI Has Limited Creativity Skills
You've probably seen the work of AI art generators by now. Some creations are hilarious and preposterous, while others are downright scary. They're trendy and an excellent source of entertainment. However, it's crucial to understand that they wouldn't be possible if not for the existing work of artists.
AI doesn't have the human ability to brainstorm creative concepts and solutions. It only generates results based on the data programmed into it. Hence, the restriction is apparent when you need an AI tool to come up with new ways and styles, as it only has inputted templates as references.
Without creativity in the workplace, a business won't grow or survive. The company will constantly produce the same solutions at existing quality levels. Everything will feel repetitive and boring, and innovation will go out the window.
We've all heard the saying, "Think outside the box". That's creative thinking, which is opposed to what developers program AI to do. Artificial intelligence tools have limits in terms of data and rules; they can't do anything to surpass them.
Artificial Intelligence Does Not Come With Soft Skills
How do you become a successful employee or boss? You won't survive on your industry knowledge alone. You must know how to work in a team, pay attention to details, think creatively and communicate effectively. These skills are essential regardless of the industry you're in, and they're crucial elements for success in the workplace.
Humans can develop their soft skills and thrive in their careers. At the moment and possibly in the future, machines cannot. Because people have reasoning and emotional skills, they're able to grow their abilities and have the upper hand.
AI Needs Humans to Work
The main driver of AI is human intelligence. Without competent developers doing their jobs, AI wouldn't exist in the first place. Other than writing code, people are the ones inputting data into machines so that they work according to scope. Humans are also responsible for using AI to get things done.
AI applications will only continue to grow. However, that does mean that humans will fall by the wayside. They will still need to create, operate and maintain the machines. Otherwise, AI will become useless.
Machines Will Complement Human Abilities
It's undeniable that AI tools are useful. They help people work faster and get more done. Without technology, people will still have to perform menial and repetitive tasks. They will waste their time on duties that don't bring immediate value to the company.
A good approach to AI is using it to complement what humans can do. Instead of spending precious time on work requiring minimal reasoning and thinking skills, why not leave that to AI?
Let's take the example of copywriting. Writing an article is no easy task. It takes a lot of research and excellent communication skills to produce a text that captivates readers. While a tool like ChatGPT can come up with a passable piece, professional writers will understand that it will lack a certain "je ne sais quoi". In this case, a human may use AI to assist with creating an article outline and searching for ideas. However, the bulk of the writing process will still fall to the writer.
The Accuracy of AI Remains in Question
AI chatbots such as ChatGPT and Bard are severely lacking when it comes to accuracy. Despite generating answers at incredible speeds, they are unable to fact-check their work, unlike humans. They work with a language-prediction model that analyses a database of texts to determine what word should come after the previous one.
Let's look at things this way. Perhaps AI will take over certain jobs. However, it may also cause the rise of other careers. For one, fact-checkers will be in constant demand in the following decade and beyond. People with good research skills will never run out of work.
Artificial Intelligence Cannot Tell Compelling Stories
In the workplace, storytelling is an important element. The reason why some people are excellent marketers is because they know how to weave a tale to drive engagement and conversions. While AI can create marketing briefs, they're always copies of existing proposals. Originality will always be a missing feature.
When a sales executive speaks to a client, two-way communication is constant. There's a sharing of needs, experiences and ideas. When someone wants to sell a product, they mould their selling points to fit the targeted customer. They won't create a generic sales pitch. Instead, they consider the crucial needs of the client and try to meet them effectively.
Here's another example. In terms of writing novels, AI is not at a point where it can come up with original work. All it does is produce a regurgitation of sample texts. The authenticity of human authors comes from lived experiences and emotional connections. A machine is drastically limited in this regard.
Fearing AI Is the Wrong Move
When humans understand the crucial role they play, even as AI takes centre stage, they will know not to fear it. Of course, this point comes with an undeniable caveat. Knowledge has been and will always be critical. AI-driven businesses will always require professionals with the right skills.
Let's not deny that things will not change. Of course, they will. That's the nature of life, in and out of the workplace. Before, remote work was impossible for many. Today, it is the way many earn a living. As technology evolves further, so will the way we perform our jobs.
The importance of upskilling is key here. As AI tools still require a human touch, we'll need to adapt to the situation, which is something we're capable of doing. People should learn how to leverage artificial intelligence for improved efficiency. They should bank on their creativity to innovate new products and serve customers better. By doing so, employees will always remain an asset to companies.