Bieber Pet Monkey Settles In At New German Home
A monkey which belonged to popstar Justin Bieber has finally settled in a German wildlife park after being reclaimed by authorities.
Mally, who was seized by customs officers at Munich airport during the 19-year-old singer's concert tour, has now been moved to the Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen in northern Germany.
Canadian Bieber did not meet a deadline earlier this month to hand in the necessary paperwork to retrieve the capuchin monkey, meaning the animal became the property of German authorities.
The animal is just 23 weeks old and will have to remain quarantined for a further five weeks before the park owners start to integrate him in with the other monkeys.
Park owners said that the fans can come and look at Mally. He will go into our capuchin monkey enclosure where there is a lovely island that is 40 metres long and 20 metres wide.
Presented by Adam Justice