Olga Kurylenko is on quarantine and tells her fans that she has been taking in vitamins and supplements to help keep her immune system strong as she battles her COVID-19 diagnosis.
The "James Bond" actress took to Instagram to update fans about her health after she tested positive for COVID-19 three days ago. In a lengthy post, she shared photos and the names of the supplements and vitamins she is taking as she fights the disease.
"However, I do take vitamins and supplements. Please note that these vitamins do NOT cure Coronavirus but only help the immune system be stronger in order to fight! here is what I'm taking," Kurylenko wrote and listed down Vit. E, Zinc, Vit, C, Pantothenic Acid- Vitamin B5.
In the same post, the 40-year old shared that she is "feeling better" since her fever is gone. Her fever went from 38 to 38.5 for a week. Her fever was at 39 when she decided to call an ambulance and where she had a swab test at a hospital to see if she has COVID-19.
Kurylenko revealed that the doctors did not prescribe her any medicine to treat COVID-19. Instead, they told her to take paracetamol for high fever and for body pains. She also told fans that she is not aware of how or where she contracted the disease. It could be anywhere, even from the taxi door handle.
"Where did I get coronavirus? Impossible to know. It could be anywhere. I could have touched a taxi handle and gotten it from there. It's on surfaces!" Kurylenko wrote in a previous post.
Three days ago, she told her fans that she is on quarantine at her home in London after she tested positive for the disease. She revealed that she has been sick with fever and felt fatigued for nearly a week before she had the test done.
Kurylenko is among the Hollywood celebrities who tested positive for COVID-19. Idris Elba, Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson confirmed they have the disease. Kristofer Hivju of "Game of Thrones" also tested positive.
Ukrainian actress Olga Kurylenko confirmed that she tested positive for COVID-19.Reuters