How I Met Your Mother Season 9: Should Fans Prepare Themselves for a Heartbreaking End?
The latest How I Met Your Mother episode titled Vesuvius will leave the show's die-hard fans with a 'worst-fears-coming-true' form of feeling.
The beloved comedy nearing its end fueled the 'Mother Is Dead Theory' with Monday night's episode, as future Ted and his wife are shown spending time away from the kids at the Farhampton Inn in the year 2024, reports TV Line.
Episode Recap (with moments that hint towards a finale that one dreads):
Ted and The Mother take a trip down nostalgia lane as they share old stories during most part of the episode. Even though they're enjoying reliving the past, the Mother admits that she's concerned about her husband.
"I love your yarns," she says. "I hope you never stop spinning them. You're the love of my life, pooh bear. I just worry about you. I don't want you to be the guy who lives in his stories. Life only moves forward."
As if things were not intense enough, the gang (as shown back in the present moment) realises that post Robin and Barney's wedding day, they don't know when they'll be all together again, with Ted moving to Chicago.
The real kicker comes when Ted talks about the surprise appearance of Robin's mom (played by Tracey Ullman) at the wedding. This does not come as such a big shock to Mrs. Mosby.
"What mother is going to miss her daughter's wedding?" she asks and then... Ted starts to cry.
Here are some of the reactions fans tweeted after watching the episode:
So either Ted's mom dies or more likely the mother is sick and isn't going to make it to their daughter's wedding. #HIMYM
— Lauren Wannermeyer (@colormelauren) March 4, 2014
If the mother dies, I'm going to have a serious existential crisis about the years of my life I've wasted on this show #HIMYM — Sam You (@napkin_folder) March 4, 2014
If the Mother dies, I don't want to live. ಠ_ಠ #himym
— James Carlson (@TweetUrVegtabls) March 4, 2014
OMG Ted was crying does that mean the mother dies in then end? :( #HIMYM — Susan ツ (@HeyCarro) March 4, 2014
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