Jake Gyllenhaal Golden Globes 2015 nominee
Jake Gyllenhaal has also admitted that he admires Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Mark Blinch/Reuters

Actor Jake Gyllenhaal has said it "could be dangerous" for the US if the next president is Donald Trump, who has been severely criticised a number of times for his views on sensitive topics. A ban on Muslim immigrants in the US and building a wall along the border with Mexico are some of the outrageous things the Republic front runner has said during his campaign.

"I think, particularly on the side of Trump, he excites a kind of pre-adolescent in me. There's an anger and a frustration and an understanding that we're in a place that we want to move from," the Southpaw actor told Sky News. "But... I want an adult in that position, so as it's relatable. I don't necessarily fully agree with it, and I think it could be dangerous."

The 35-year-old actor continued: "I just don't like it when I feel like someone is being dishonest. I don't like it from an actor, and I don't really like it from a politician. And there are a lot more serious ramifications from a politician than from an actor."

Gyllenhaal also admitted that he admired Democratic hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

"It's very hard to speak the truth, at this time, you know it's a difficult thing, it always is. Life is about compromise, I think work is generally about compromise, being an adult, as Bruce Springsteen says, is really about compromise," Gyllenhaal said.

"What I love about seeing Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is that they have, and particularly in the debates recently, have talked about how difficult it is when you're working the political system, to (show) what you believe in while at the same time losing some of that as well."

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