Jeremy Kyle in chaos as host nearly breaks wrist after altercation with guest over DNA results
Talk show host got a bit physical on today's programme.

Passionate talk show host Jeremy Kylie nearly suffered a wrist injury today following a dramatic altercation with a guest.
Kyle, 52, became embroiled in the clash after chasing show guest Kelly down the corridor when she stole DNA test results and tried to flee the studio.
She was worried that they would reveal her fiancé Jon was not the biological father of her children and grabbed the envelope from Kyle's hands, sending the studio audience into an uproar.
Kyle shouted: "Sorry, they're my envelopes, this is my show."
The host chased her down the hall but soon grew tired of running, and attempted to get his security guard to carry him the rest of the way.
Jumping on the security guard, he said: "Sorry Dan, I'm jumping on your back. Take me," but failed to land on his back and instead fell to the floor, nearly breaking his wrist in the process.
Kyle soon pulled himself together and returned to the studio with the results, confirming that Jon was in fact the father to all three children.

Jon had been convinced that Kelly was cheating on him and that none of their children were his. If he was correct, he would call off their forthcoming wedding.
Kelly admitted to cheating on Jon but was adamant that their children were indeed his, with the results proving her right after the drama.
Viewers went berserk over the onscreen ordeal, with one person tweeting: "Jeremy Kyle is life. We need a sleepover and a binge watch because those dramatic dna results are WAITING".
While someone else said: "Three DNA tests ...that must be a personal best #jeremykyle".