Poo date? Woman rescued after being trapped in date's toilet window while retrieving her own faeces
The amateur gymnast threw the poop out of the window because it "would not flush".

An amateur gymnast had to be rescued by firefighters after she got stuck in her Tinder date's toilet windowsill while trying to retrieve her own poop because it "would not flush".
The woman was on a first date with Bristol student Liam Smith when the bizarre incident happened. Recalling the Tinder "poo date", Smith said that he and the girl were on a romantic dinner date at a restaurant called Nando's. After that they went to his place for a drink.
But weird things started to happen after his date went to use toilet of his shared apartment.
On a GoFundMe page that Smith has created to raise money to replace the broken window, he writes: "After our meal, we repaired back to my house for a bottle of wine and a scientology documentary. About an hour in to Louis Theroux and chill, my date got up to use the toilet.
"She returned with a panicked look in her eye, and told me she had something to tell me. I went for a poo in your toilet but it did not flush."
"She continued, 'I don't know why I did this, but I panicked. I reached into the toilet bowl, wrapped it in tissue paper, and threw it out of the window.'"
Smith tried to calm her down and told her that they would go out to the garden, retrieve the poo and "pretend the whole sorry affair had never happened." It was then they realized that the window does not open into the garden.
An eventful evening for Temple fire crews. https://t.co/FNbCNuVu5z pic.twitter.com/gZS8Cpmn9q
— Avon Fire & Rescue (@AvonFireRescue) September 5, 2017
"Instead, it opens into a narrow gap of about a foot and a half, separated from the outside world by another (non-opening) double glazed window. It was into this twilight zone that my date had thrown her poo," Smith wrote on the page.
Smith then messaged on his house group-chat, and went upstairs to find a hammer and chisel to smash open the window.
But the woman had plan B on her mind. Smith said that she convinced him that she would use her gymnastic techniques and pull the poo out.
"Unfortunately she couldn't reach. She called out to me to help her climb out from the window, I grabbed her waist and I pulled. But she was stuck. Stuck fast," he said.
Smith wrote: "She had been upside down in the window for around 15 minutes at this point, and I was starting to grow concerned for her health. I called the fire brigade."
She was rescued unharmed, Smith said, adding he set the crowdfunding target of £200 but as it has crossed over £1,200 he would split the extra cash between two charities – one supporting firefighters and another that builds and maintains flushing toilets in developing countries.
Smith also said that despite having a hilarious first date, he did see the woman again.
"We had a lovely night on the second date but it's too early to say if she's the one. But we got on very very well and she's a lovely girl," he added.
Meanwhile, the incident has gone viral and attracted some hilarious comments on Twitter.
One user tweeted, "Damn...and here I thought I had some shitty dates", while another wrote: "If he asks her out again he will NEVER be bored." Some have even suggested that they get married.
Now they gotta get married.
— Yvette ð (@onepear) September 5, 2017
I can't decide whether this is the worst or the best first date ever.
— Bitcoin Shortseller (@oheyitsdatboi) September 5, 2017
Nandos is actually really good - so juicy.
— DiReal Theo (@SenatorTheo) September 5, 2017
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