Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be returning to work Tuesday. The Duke and the Duchess of Sussex bring an end to their break with the first public appearance in London. Here are the details.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry along with their seven-month-old son Archie Mountbatten Windsor took a six-week-long break at the end of November 2019. During the extended break, the royal parents took time off from royal duties and flew to Canada to celebrate Christmas and New Year privately, away from the public eye. They even skipped the traditional annual Christmas celebration at Queen Elizabeth II's ancestral private estate, Sandringham.

However, now, the vacation is over for the Sussexes and they will be making their 2020 debut with a visit to Canada House in London. According to The Sun, they will be meeting High Commission Janice Charette and other staff members at the facility. The visit comes after their Canada vacation and they would reportedly like to express their gratitude for welcoming them in the country.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex want to "thank them for the warm Canadian hospitality and support they received during their recent stay," announced Buckingham Palace. Their courtesy visit will be followed by a trip to Canada Gallery where they will see a special exhibition by an indigenous Canadian artist, Skawennati.

Even though there is no tradition of officially thanking a country for a trip that did not include any official engagements, the meeting will take place. This is not the first time the royal couple will be meeting with Charette. Not too long ago, in March 2019, to mark Commonwealth Day, the Sussexes met with the high commissioner.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and his fiancée US actress Meghan Markle pose for a photograph in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace Getty

Before taking the break, the Duke and the Duchess together carried out an official engagement on Remembrance Sunday joining the rest of the royals. Having spent two Christmases with the family, the new mom and dad decided to take time off and spend holidays separately with Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland.