The biggest gaming studios EA has killed - Bullfrog, Visceral Games, Westwood and more
With the news Visceral Games is shutting down, we take a look at EA's highest profile victims.

Over the course of almost three decade, Electronic Arts – better known simply as EA – has established itself as one of the largest video game publishers in the world. Today, the Redwood giant boasts some of the best selling franchises in the entire industry and holds the keys to IPs that are beloved by fans in their millions.
In spite of its dominance and successes, EA has cultivated a reputation for stifling creativity by buying up promising studios or nurturing internal talent before unceremoniously shuttering them years later.
Whether or not this reputation is fair is up for debate, but after looking through three decades' worth of developers that have closed under the publisher's watch, it's hard to not mourn the loss of some bright talents.
With the shock news that Dead Space creator Visceral Games is "ramping down and closing" – a result of EA choosing to "pivot the design" of Visceral's untitled Star Wars project – we've compiled a list of the highest profile causalities of EA's axe.
BioWare Montreal
Founded in 2009, closed in 2017
Known for: Mass Effect Andromeda

Black Box Games
Acquired in 2002, closed in 2013
Known for: Need for Speed, Skate
Bullfrog Productions
Acquired in 1995, closed in 2001
Known for: Dungeon Keeper, Populous, Theme Hospital, Theme Park, Syndicate
DreamWorks Interactive (Danger Close Games)
Acquired in 2000, closed in 2013
Known for: Medal of Honor
Acquired in 1997, Emeryville studio closed in 2004
Known for: SimCity, The Sims, Spore

Mythic Entertainment
Acquired in 1997, closed in 2004
Known for: Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot
Origin Systems
Acquired in 1992, closed in 2004
Known for: Ultima, Wing Commander
Pandemic Studios
Acquired in 2008, closed in 2009
Known for: Mercenaries, The Saboteur, Star Wars Battlefront
Acquired in 2006, closed in 2013
Known for: SpellForce, BattleForge
Victory Games
Founded in 2010, closed in 2013
Known for: Cancelled Command & Conquer game
Visceral Games (EA Redwood Shores)
Founded in 2010, closed in 2013
Known for: Battlefield Hardline, Dante's Inferno, Dead Space
Westwood Studios
Acquired in 1998, closed in 2003
Known for: Blade Runner, Command & Conquer, Dune