Big Bang Theory season 10 episode 8
Sheldon turns into a Casanova to seduce Amy in The Big Bang Theory season 10 episode 8 CBS

Sheldon Cooper will stop at nothing to convince Amy Farrah Fowler that they should procreate. The physicist will try to woo his lady by turning into a Casanova and attempting a flamenco dance, in this Thursday's episode of The Big Bang Theory season 10.

Contrary to Sheldon, Amy is not interested in having a baby. Episode 8 of TBBT season 10 is titled The Brain Bowl Incubation, which will air on 10 November at 8pm EST on CBS Network.

Click here to watch the premiere episode via live stream online. You can also click here to watch it online (only in the US).

A promo for the episode shows Sheldon in Amy's lab for an experiment, which involves needles. Sheldon who is scared of needle asks, " How much will it hurt?" To which Amy replies, "It's just a tiny skin sample, you saw me do it to myself."

After Sheldon complains, Amy points out, "If I am going to synthesise a neuro-network from our skin cells, I need to harvest them." Later she tricks him and acquires the sample.

Another promo for the episode shows Sheldon anxiously waiting for the result of their DNA experiment. He asks Amy, who is looking into a microscope, "Did it work? Are they brain cells yet?"

Amy replies, "If you give me a minute I will tell you!" Later Amy happily announces that their "combined skin cells are now a primitive neural network." Sheldon is excited to hear the news.

The official synopsis of the chapter reads as follows:

After a successful experiment combining their genes, Sheldon will stop at nothing to convince Amy they should procreate. Also, Koothrappali is embarrassed to tell the gang what the new woman he's dating does for a living.