As the flight began it's descent in to Heathrow Airport, Chopra began jumping up and down in her seat REUTERS

A woman who got drunk on gin and then caused hours of chaos on a plane from the Middle East to London faces jail.

Bela Chopra, 39, swigged from her own bottle and demanded cabin crew 'turn the f**king music on' as the plane was preparing to take off from Dubai.

She also opened a packet of cigarettes as if she was about to light one up, Uxbridge Magistrates Court heard.

Then she began stealing food from diners' trays when in-flight food was served up on the Emirates flight.

Cabin crew tried to calm down Chopra, who poured herself more drinks into a plastic glass while arguing.

Reeking of alcohol and displaying bloodshot eyes, Chopra, from Mickleworth in Derby, unleashed a volley of abusive language.

Her behaviour was described as threatening and abusive to a young family of four, occupying seats right next to her.

Prosecutor Nikki Onuma-Elliot told the court: "She started taking food from other people's plates and also opening a packet of cigarettes."

"When she was approached by other people and members of staff, she used the f-word," Mrs Onuma-Elliot.

As the flight began it's descent in to Heathrow Airport, Chopra began jumping up and down in her seat, shouting 'What the hell! What the f*** is going on here?!

The flight of misery for other passengers was finally over when awaiting police officers swiftly arrested Chopra after landing on 18 June.

During interviews, Chopra said she was terrified of flying and had not slept the night before. Taking gin on to the flight with her had been meant to calm her nerves.

She apologised for her actions.

Chair of the bench Jeremy Lister committed her to be sentenced at Isleworth Crown Court, although the date has still to be set.

Mr Lister said: 'Your behaviour on the aircraft was is very distressing to passengers and the crew and it needlessly tied up the resources of the crew.'

Chopra, of Derby, admitted being drunk on an aircraft.