iOS 7.1.1 Delivers Significantly Improved Battery Performance

The internet is abuzz with news of iOS 7.1.1 actually delivering significantly improved battery performance than pre-iOS 7.0 releases, according to a recent report by ZDNet.
The report points out noticeable changes in iOS 7.1.1 that considerably enhance the battery life of an iPhone 5 by about 28% in comparison to iOS 7.1, and even nudging ahead of the iOS 6 battery endurance by 2%.
Here is an excerpt from the ZDNet report by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes:
However, following iOS 7.1, I started seeing the battery drop to around 48 percent per six hours of use, which was a significant and very noticeable level of degradation. [...]
Then came iOS 7.1.1. Following this update I've noticed that things have improved dramatically, and now battery life is only falling to around 76 percent per six hours of average use, which is better than what I was getting pre iOS 7.0.
As Kingsley-Hughes notes, a fully charged iPhone 5 battery dropped to 74% after six hours of use with pre-iOS 7.0 or iOS 6 installed on his phone, while iOS 7.1.1 resulted in significant improvement in battery performance as the battery-life meter showed 76% charge remaining, even after six hours of use.
Meanwhile, several readers of ZDNet have experienced similar battery-life results on their iPhones as evident in the comments posted by them (see screenshot below) in the forum section of Hughes's article, besides a similar opinion by Kevin Tofel from GigaOM.
Hughes further reveals that he had isolated "Facebook app as one of the biggest guzzlers of charge" as his iPhone battery charge dropped to 61% after six hours of average use, prior to the advent of iOS 7.1.1.
The release of iOS 7.1.1 seems to be a blessing for most iPhone and iPad users as the battery-life is said to improve dramatically:

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