Pregnant couple
Toby Fleischman and Lindsey Lanciault fell pregnant within weeks of each other Instagram/@tobyfleischman

A lesbian has taken to social media to share her joy after she and her wife both managed to fall pregnant within three weeks of each other to the same sperm donor.

Toby Fleischman, 41, and Lindsey Lanciault, 34, from Los Angeles, US, posted a photo on Instagram of their baby bumps announcing they were having boys.

"Lindsay and I are both pregnant," Fleischman captioned the photo. "Yes, you read that correctly. We are both having a baby at the same time.

"Well, three weeks apart to be exact. Everyone always says they want to get pregnant with their best friend and I just happened to be lucky enough to be married to mine. Our 'twin' boys will be joining us this summer."

Initially, Fleischman was planning on falling pregnant first because her "window to conceive" was smaller. She fell pregnant, but miscarried.

They then decided Lanciault should try and fall pregnant. Shortly after, they realised Fleischman had fallen pregnant again in November 2016. Three weeks later, Lanciault found out she was also pregnant.

The two boys will be related by blood, as the couple used the same sperm donor.

They've said being pregnant at the same time has had its ups and downs with a "lot of hormones in the house".