Kelly Keegs was on a flight from Raleigh, North Carolina, to New York when a couple sitting in an adjacent row began a row that ended in a public break-up.

The New Yorker began tweeting the drama, blow-by-blow, so to speak, using the hashtag #PlaneBreakup. Kelly's first tweet – a picture of the couple with the comment, "This guy on the plane just broke up with his girlfriend, and she's sobbing," – has since been retweeted more than 7,500 times.

She then wrote about the couple's arguments, saying: "Guy: 'I just can't stand you. I can't be near you. I would switch seats if I could."

The woman was taken aback and apparently reacted to her partner's comments by saying: "It's just so mean. Do I deserve this? Why are you bringing this up?"

Even though the live tweeting drama attracted a lot of interest, Keeg also faced a backlash with some calling her actions humiliating for the couple.