Minecraft porn
Adult website PornHub reveals searches for Minecraft porn have grown 326% in two years. Mojang

Minecraft is one of the most popular video games on the planet and now it seems its fame has transcended into the adult realm, with user-created Minecraft porn videos becoming a blockbuster sensation on PornHub.

When you think you've heard it all, the adult website reveals in a blog post that it has seen a 326% rise in searches for Minecraft erotica since the beginning of 2014, with 108% of that growth happening in 2015. The most popular searches were 'minecraft hentai' and 'minecraft animation' as well as 'minecraft true love' and 'minecraft hard drilling'.

Minecraft porn PornHub
The rise in Minecraft porn searches. Pornhub

Minecraft is an open-world video game that sees the user survive and create their environment using textured blocks. It looks basic graphically but the endless possibilities of what the user can create and what they can explore has seen it become a sensation since its alpha launch on PC in 2009. There has been a subsequent roll-out to mobile and console, with over 100 million registered users on the PC version alone.

PornHub research reveals that prior to searching for Minecraft-related naughtiness viewers also searched for other video game erotica including the terms 'Halo', 'Clash of Clans' and 'Pokemon' to satisfy their urges. The most prolific searcher was identified as being between the ages of 18-24, with 80% of the share of searches. This age group is also 498% more likely to search for Minecraft porn than any other age group.

Minecraft porn PornHub
One of the many Minecraft-related porn videos available on the site Pornhub

PornhHub is no stranger to the weird and wacky take on popular culture with its fair share of My Little Pony porn videos and number of Disney-related porn parodies. So, if you're curious as to how Minecraft porn 'works' in the name of research we took a look. We found a number of videos including one titled 'Minecraft Porn Adventures' viewed over 330,000 times whereby creative individuals have actually created in-game sexual situations using Minecraft characters. We then swiftly switched off with the hope of un-seeing what we witnessed.