The Spearmint Rhino gave the banker its VIP room, where he took four dancers for the entire night, even go as far as to treat them all to dinner and buying them expensive £800 a bottle, champagne.Spearmint Rhino
The Spearmint Rhino gave the banker its VIP room, where he took four dancers for the entire night, even go as far as to treat them all to dinner and buying them expensive £800 a bottle, champagne.Spearmint RhinoHis purchases included £28,000, which was split four ways between his private dancers, two magnums of Cristal at £800 each and a £300 bottle of Gran Patrone Platinum tequila.Spearmint RhinoInteresting that such news would break today as the High Pay Commision published a report about how “corrosive” high pay can be to the UK economy. The report also details that executive pay has risen by up to 5,000 per cent over the past 30 years whereas the average wage has only increased threefold.Spearmint RhinoSpearmint Rhino, Tottenham Court Road’s famous lapdancing club welcomed its biggest spending customer ever last week, a banker who blew an excessive £37,000 on dancers, champagne and food.Spearmint Rhino