Motorist Richard Newton, 36, has been banned from driving for a year after he was caught doing 62mph with his hands behind his head.

Newton, from Whitby, was filmed driving for around 25 seconds with both hands off the steering wheel, Scarborough Magistrates Court heard.

He was captured by a police safety camera van on the A171 between Whitby and Guisborough.

He was found guilty of dangerous driving and given a 12-month ban.

Newton was also ordered to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work in the community and fined £625, which he must pay in addition to a £60 victim surcharge.

Dave Brown, from North Yorkshire Police, said: "This case demonstrates two things: one is the sheer stupidity of some people who put others in danger, and the other is the ability of our safety camera to capture a range of offences.

"This is yet another case which shows that these cameras are about safety and not just speeding. We will take action against all manner of offences to ensure we keep our roads as safe as possible for everyone."