Big Bang Theory season 10 episode 11
Sheldon and Amy in The Big Bang Theory season 10 CBS

The Big Bang Theory season 10 will go on a brief hiatus and will return with all-new episodes on 15 December at 8pm EST on CBS Network. Episode 11 is titled, The Birthday Synchronicity, where Bernadette will deliver a baby.

According to the plot synopsis, "Bernadette is taken to the hospital to have her baby. Sheldon and Amy are trying to have Amy's birthday sex."

It is that time of the year again for Sheldon and Amy to have their annual coitus, but Bernadette's giving birth may ruin their plans. Fans remember that in TBBT season 9 fall finale, Amy and Sheldon finally had sex on the former's birthday, and they both agreed to having sex at least once a year on the same day.

According to a leaked report, Sheldon will wake up Amy at midnight, to wish her birthday. Amy is excited to receive a gift from her boyfriend aka a framed MRI scan of Sheldon's brain. Then they begin to prepare for their annual coitus part of the evening, but they are interrupted by Leonard and Penny, who knock on the door to give them the news about Bernadette going into labor.

In the previous episode, Sheldon and Leonard try to divide their assets, after the former decided to take up Penny's apartment to live with Amy. The former roommates now have to make the tough decision of deciding their belongings, but Sheldon as usual decide to keep all the good stuff, and Leonard ended up keeping their apartment's flag. The two roommates go to war, with Sheldon changing the Wi-Fi password to Leonard wearing the apartment flag as robe to piss off the physicist.

Also at Howard's house, Rajesh and Stuart battle it out to prove who is more helpful during Bernadette pregnancy; making cribs, helping with the household stuff and even booking doctor's appointments, The episode ended with Howard and company rushing Bernadette to the hospital, as she goes into labour.