How to manually install Cydia on iPhone or iPad if it is accidentally deleted

Cydia is the backbone of any jailbroken iOS device, given its potential to cater to varying user needs including installation of tweaks, updating third-party apps and purchasing tools to unlock the hidden features of the phone.
In this context, it is imperative to restore Cydia, if you end up deleting it accidentally and want to restore it. Folks at iPhone Hacks have revealed a few simple yet effective ways of accomplishing this feat.
Below is a rundown on each of the available methods for restoring Cydia:
Method 1: Using iFile
- Ensure that iFile is already installed on your device.
- Launch Safari and head over to the URL link to download Cydia installer or alternatively find the latest update of Cydia for your device via the search function for Cydia.
- Once you find the latest Cydia version, use iFile to launch and install it onto your device.
- Just reboot the device once the installation completes, and Cydia will now be accessible on your device.
Method 2: OpenSSH
- Ensure that the OpenSSH tool is pre-installed on your device
- Make sure that the APT v0.6 or v0.7 is also installed
- Launch the following command via OpenSSH: apt-get install cydia and then hit Enter.
- Type in the command: su mobile –c uicache and then tap the enter key
- Your device will reboot and access to Cydia will be unlocked
Method 3: Redsn0w
- All A4 devices (iPhone 4, iPod 4, and iPad 1 or older) are supported by Redsn0w, which can be used to reinstall Cydia separately, without having to rejailbreak the device.
- Download and launch the latest version of Redsn0w (Windows and Mac) from the official developer website.
- Hit the jailbreak button, but ensure that only the Install Cydia checkbox is enabled on the dialog window.
- Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.
Method 4: Rejailbreak your device
As a last resort, you can always try re-jailbreaking your device to restore Cydia functionality. However, you need to remember that all iOS 8 versions starting with iOS 8.1.3 have been patched by Apple and cannot be jailbroken.
For instance, if you accidentally restore your device to iOS 8.3, then you will not be able to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad. In other words, you must be running iOS 8.1.2 or earlier in order to be able to successfully jailbreak and restore Cydia on your device.
[Source: iPhone Hacks]
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